Find Relaxation and Work Towards Wellness
Through Reflexology
Offering a holistic approach including hand and foot reflexology,
reiki, and spiritual consultations.
At the Ahh Reflexology Center, we focus on working with each client
to create a personal experience designed to meet your needs
for a Holistic approach.
Our goal is to work with you as a partner to find ways
to bring your body to a state of relaxation
which permits the body to innately work towards wellness.
Assists in pain management
Deeper breathing
Improved oxidation throughout the body
Improved circulation & quality of sleep
Energizes and increases vitality
Improved focus and concentration
Increased creativity
Hand and Foot Reflexology
Gentle Touch Reflexology
Spiritual and Intuitive Consultations
First session receive a $10 discount
for 60 minute session.
Select your available day(s) from the calendar and fill out the form below.
We’ll be in touch with you to get you started on your session.
Thank you!
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